
Something Great?

Dear Reader,

So, I've been writing a lot at work, all on my faith in Jesus Christ and how to live a Christian life. Many of my topics are 'devotional' style, focusing on one theme and adding biblical backup. I know some people may not agree with what I say - you may characterize me as 'one of those God freaks' if you wish. But I feel that girls who are normal, quiet and status quo, never accomplish anything truly great. So, I have embraced my counter-cultural ways!

It's been a mission of mine do something great since I was young - although I am not comfortable with the thought of fame or publicity. I used to play music and some would say I was pretty good. My ego soon got a hold of me, so I stopped playing for quite some years. I went to college and got a degree. I liked the thought of being a strong, independent business woman - I even thought about getting into politics. But then I started earning REAL money and didn't like how it changed me. I mean, it really changed me. So, I willingly took a job as an Administrative Assistant in a non-profit missions agency, working under people who are often in the spotlight and not making the 'big bucks'.

I'm playing music again, but just for the ears of my wonderful husband, John and our awesome Creator and Savior. And I'm still a strong, independent business woman - whose tasks range from answering phones, to catering lunches, to designing websites (just to name a few). I never thought I would be here, doing things that I thought would be "great" but for an audience of two or as the permanent fixture at the World Mission Resource Center.

God has brought me through the fires of the past in order to equip me for his current and future purpose of my life.

I hope you enjoy my thoughts and writings.


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