
What's Your Mission?

Dear Reader,

I can hear Pomp and Circumstance playing in my head – it’s time for graduations! In the midst of excitement, the world bombards graduating students with questions like “what do you want to do for the rest of your live?” Questions like this shouldn’t be asked only of young graduates. We all need to answer this question at different times in our lives.

When I came to WMA, the Lord called me to “serve those who serve the Lord.” This became my mission statement. But this statement was completely different from what I thought my calling was at my graduation. In the past, I “fiddled around with” what I thought I was called to do, never knowing that God had something bigger planned. Through past experiences, God revealed how he wanted me to live my life right now.

It reminds me of Saul, a Roman Pharisee, who sought actively to advance his cause while removing anyone who got in his way. He felt this was his life calling and he “fiddled around with it.” But we know what happened. God changed his name and his direction. Amazingly, Paul became a great advocate for Christ among both Jews and Gentiles – quite contrary to what he originally thought was his life mission.

It’s important to recognize that God is continually equipping His believers. We know we are to be ambassadors for Christ, but how we go about it can change frequently. It is risky to be reluctant or resistant to changes God may want to make in our lives, regardless of our age. It’s also dangerous to lose sight of our current calling. I sometimes need constant reminding that I am serving a God who needs nothing, but who desires my fixed gaze upon Him.

I encourage you to reflect on your past “mission statements” and see how God has brought you to where you are right now. When in life were you “fiddling around” and when were you in the center of God’s calling? In hindsight, see how God has made you a part of His glorious plan for this world! And let us fix our eyes on Jesus; He can be trusted to direct us to be “on mission” for Him.

Proverbs 4:25-26, “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.”


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