Dear Reader,
For almost a year now, I have been volunteering at a horse rescue in Manheim. Every other Monday, I travel there after work to turn in and feed the horses that have been recently rescued. While doing this, I am developing relationship with the other volunteers. Even though I would like to think that this is only a job that benefits my love of horses, I know that God has called me to be intentional in this activity.
As you may know, I work at World Mission Associates full time - a mission organization of God followers. Beyond delivery men and postal workers, my interaction with non-believers is nearly non-existent. Because of this, I must deliberately reach out to the lost in ways beyond traveling cross-culturally or through relationships at work.
I initially learned of the term "tentmaker" when I studied the history of William Carey and the Moravians. These famous Christians worked in industries to support themselves and used that opportunity to develop relationships with the unbelievers they worked among. They understood that an effective way to evangelize was through God-inspired friendship networks, living a life that was attractive and Christ-like. They were mirroring the Apostle Paul's example.
Although I am not a tentmaker like those above, my actions are motivated by the same principle. Christianity is relational, and I intend to share God's grace with those I contact on a daily or weekly basis. God has shown me that - through my efforts at the horse rescue - I can be an evangelist while grooming horses and carrying hay bales. I do this by listening and encouraging my fellow workers, and by waiting on the Holy Spirit to open a door to share my faith.
I encourage you to become an intentional local missionary if you are not actively "rubbing shoulders" with non-believers. It may mean reaching out as a volunteer in a community organization, taking a part-time job in a Middle Eastern restaurant, or being part of a neighborhood book club. Let you life be a living testimony to those around you. Follow the advice of St. Francis of Assisi when he said, "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." Let's point the direction toward the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I just wanted to thank God for your words of encouragement and praise. I really needed to hear them today and God lead me to them. I was simply clearing out some of my old emails, when I came across the one in which you told me about your blog, I went to look and remind myself what it was all about. What I found was what God knew I needed, encouragement and the reminder to praise his for all he has done in our lives. Thanks for listening to God so that I might also be reminded to do that as well.