
Standard American Diet

For about six years now, I have scrutinized what I ate. I usually lived by two rules: 1.) the less ingredients the better and 2.) no eating 3 hours before bedtime. But not until I started this raw food diet transition did I notice some bad habits of mine beyond my scrutiny. Almost everything I ate was either cooked or processed (cooked/preserved before packaging). Except for my raw salads, I boiled, stir-fried, or baked everything. I also had a heavy dairy intake and I never ate fresh fruit.

In general, food in its natural state is better for you. We are the only creatures on earth that cook our food. All carnivorous and herbivore animals eat their food raw. According to the Hallelujah Diet and other raw food resources, heating food over 120 degrees "kills" it. By not eating "living" food, we apparently eat less nutritious and harder to digest food.

According to the Hallelujah Diet and other raw food sources, animal products are terrible for humans. Both meat and animal by-products like dairy and eggs are extremely hard to digest.

Foods to Avoid - Hallelujah Acres website recommendations

How many of you know people who are struggling with digestive tract issues? I know at least eight people in my small circle of Lancaster County friends that have major issues varying from IBS to Celiacs Disease. They are all females and in their late twenties and early thirties. Some have had children, some do not. Most have excruciating pain and their lives are turned upside down by doctor's visits and near constant diet changes. Many times, they receive no answers and have to live with these issues. What if our Standard American Diet is the contributing factor to these problems?

I plan on researching this much further before I make any personal conclusions. I welcome input from anyone who struggles with digestive track issues.

On another note: Dinner tonight = Indian food!! Basmati rice, split peas and lentils in curry, vegetarian sausage and a big spinach salad with nuts, other fresh veggies and homemade vinaigrette dressing. Dessert? Maybe a few Fuji apple slices :)


  1. much props to you sara for doin this!! i'm a total health nut amnd love to see people educate themselves and get healthy :)
    i have an issue with this diet requiring you to do "barleymax" or "carrotjuicemax" etc. seems like they want to sell their products~~plus, they are totally processed which goes against everything else they are saying.
    anyway~ good luck! keep bloggin :)

  2. Hi Laura, thanks for the encouragement! I totally agree about your issue with their barleymax and carrotjuicemax! I looked at their website faqs to see if anyone else had that issue and this was a response to a question about not being able to afford their products:

    "Many people in this position have seen excellent results. Just simply moving to a primarily raw, plant based diet and the elimination of the five 'killer' foods will result in astonishing benefits. The products suggested simply help the body to respond, and thus help it to obtain results much faster."

    It's good to know that it's not required to do the diet!

  3. Hey Sara! I'm looking forward to watching your process and learning from your results. However, I am curious if this is going to have a negative impact on our visits to Starbucks? Just thinking practically...

  4. sara~ read my latest blog post!!

    hang in there!!
