
5 Golden Stars

I have a problem. It's a superiority complex.

Now that I'm nearly a raw vegan, I love food shopping now. I often spend hours meandering up and down isles, reading labels and finding out what's new in the natural food section. But then it hits me:

Pure, unadulterated, ferociously judgmental thoughts.

I analyze people's carts and waistlines in front of me at check out. I think, "Wow, I'm so much better than that person because I'm not buying Oreo's, sugary cereal, bloody meat and soda."

I also put myself in the check out person's shoes. I imagine what they must think as they check people out. They must give me at least 5 golden stars for my cart full of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, raw nuts and grain "coffee". The cart in front of me would receive no stars from the check out person.

Leaving, I become ashamed for glorifying myself because of my food choices. Heck, only 8 short years ago I was buying Hot Pockets, Kraft Mac & Cheese, Doritos and Diet soda (can you tell I was in college?).

What can I do to stop this train of thought? It happens all the time and often ruins my shopping experience.

In the meantime, if you like Oreo's, I hope I never see you in the grocery store. If I do, don't be shocked if I run and hide. But if you like fresh, organic carrots, feel free to flaunt them in front of me at the store. I may just give you a golden star!

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