
The American Church Persecution: UNSUCCESS

Dear Reader,

Am I alone in thinking there's something wrong with the American church today? Why is it when non-believers or skeptics look at American Christians they see nothing special? Isn't faith in our Savior supposed to be attractive to those without it? There MUST be something wrong.

I recently read on CNN.com an article titles "America Becoming Less Christian, survey finds" (http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/wayoflife/03/09/us.religion.less.christian/index.html?iref=mpstoryview). This article shows that while Christianity is lessening, a category called "nones" aka those of no faith is rising steadily in every state of our great America. I saw another article entitled, "The Coming Evangelical Collapse" written by Michael Spencer
(http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0310/p09s01-coop.html). According to Spencer, there is a rise in anti-Christian attitudes because of the evangelical identity in the culture war and politics, poor discipleship of our youth and a lack of intergenerational spiritual transition, consumerism-driven churches, poor Christian educational systems, and the blending of secularism and evangelicalism in our ministries.

Interesting stuff...I guess I'm not alone in my thinking! There IS something wrong!

Everyone knows from Christian history that God blesses in order to pass that blessing onto others. If that blessing is not passed on, God will take it away and give it to someone else. This is necessary because God's purpose is to glorify Himself by reconciling a rebellious people back to Himself. This won't happen if we don't share the Gospel with all nations! You saw this happen with the Jews (God's original chosen people), the Roman church (who paired faith in God with faith in Rome), and now in Europe (Christianity is declining to nothing). These were richly blessed people who abused and neglected the blessing of prosperity and church growth from God. The American church is on that same track I'm afraid. *Sigh*

I feel that the American church is now being persecuted, not by violence or by un-Christian government action, but by unsuccess. SUCCESS is the heartbeat of America and I would argue it's the heartbeat of the American church as well. Satan knows this and will do anything to make the church fail. The church has given into the temptation of the 'American way'. The church has made it's mission to get involved with political issues - standing up strong and blowing the competition away. The church has neglected concepts like discipleship and submission. And now the desires of the church are wrong - we're too concerned with bigger buildings, money and membership numbers.

Non-believers see right through superficial faith to the true core values of many American Christians.

However, "Christianity loves a crumbling empire" as one commentator puts it.

No amount of persecution can break the power of God. In his article, Spencer said, "new forms of Christian vitality and ministry will be born" in these hardships. It's time to refocus ourselves. The old American church will fade away and the new American church will rise up. It will be grounded in Gospel-centered, relevant teachings and focused on prayer. It will no longer be identified in culture wars and politics. Parents and churches will disciple their children. And it won't be known for it's hate any longer! Christian hate is so evident nowadays, and the new church won't allow it to happen. So, be attractive and humble and just watch what the power of God can do.


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