
Hello Vacation! Goodbye Diet!

My husband and I traveled to Asheville, North Carolina and Nashville, Tennessee for the first week of May.  We stayed in a beautiful cabin in the Pisgah National Forest that had a full sized kitchen.  We packed up the cooler and our trusty blender.  We awaited with open arms the numerous fresh produce stands that dotted the roadways.

I started out well!  We made green smoothies!  Even when we were eating out at restaurants I was maintaining at least a vegan diet. 

Then came the white cheddar pimento cheese spread...

and the strawberry rhubarb pie...

and the spanikopita and tabbouleh with feta cheese...

Hello Vacation!  Goodbye Diet!

And the worst part is that I don't feel well.  I had digestive tract issues, something I have been free from for 2 months.  My scale at home will be laughing at me as I step on with apprehension.

What is it about vacations that we feel it's ok to give up on months of diligence?  Maybe we all want a break from the monotony of life and the regulations that we press on ourselves.  I wanted to step outside of my diet and now I'm regretting it.

From the beginning, I have allowed myself to make mistakes without feeling that I need to give up completely.  So now I cannot wait to get back on my diet.  I am CRAVING the whole, living foods that I have grown to love. 

But what I am really anticipating is when I can no longer call this diet a diet, but a lifestyle that I don't feel I need to break free from occasionally. 

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